Specialization in

Hosting, Maintenance & Security.

Why is good hosting so important?

Ongoing website maintenance and security are absolutely essential in making sure your website works as intended, is protected against hackers, and works well with search engines over the long-term. So we’re excited to offer these premium hosting services to prevent your website from experiencing interruptions, security breaches, and other potential threats.

Our dedicated website hosting means you don’t share resources with any other website. That means you have all the space and bandwidth you need to keep your site running quickly, as well as the flexibility to expand those resources as your business grows. Fast websites are key to a positive user experience: Studies show that 40% of website visitors will leave a site if it doesn’t load within seconds.

What can we do for you

Our Expertise.

Premium Hosting


Worry-free website hosting from a team of real people who truly care. From simple shared hosting plans to full service premium plans. We support WordPress and several other platforms.

Our stellar hosting services include:

  • Dedicated Hosting: No Shared Resources with Other Sites Means Increased Speed and Flexibility for Future Growth
    Fast website loading: Caching Implementation and Other Tactics
  • Prevention of Security Vulnerabilities
  • Nightly Backups
  • Customer Service with Real People Who Care and that You Can Count On

Website Maintenance


Outdated plugins and old versions of your website platform can leave your website and its contents vulnerable to a cyber attack. With our maintenance and security services, you’ll never have to worry about which plugins to update. We’ll take care of keeping your WordPress, Shopify, or other website platform updated without any disruptions to your site’s functionality. We’ll make sure it continues to work speedily and at its best.

Our maintenance services include:

  • Regular WordPress installation updates
  • Regular Plugin updates
  • 24/7 Website Monitoring (allows us to get sites back up quicker)
  • Postmark: Premium email services

Website Security


Headache-inducing problems like spam, hacks, bots, viruses, and malware can wreak havoc on both your website. They can also leak sensitive information from your customers or donors. A poorly secured site can also signal to Google that your website is untrustworthy, which can make your site less visible on search engines.

Our security services include:

  • Complete eCommerce protection
  • DNS protection
  • Captcha added to forms
  • SSL certificates
  • File scanning, firewalls, and 2-factor authentications
  • A complete restore if hacked at no additional charge

What we have done for others

Case Study.

Women’s Bean Project

eCommerce Retail and Wholesaler Site Build

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